Vettbergets ancient castle - Gnarp
Vettbergets ancient castle - Gnarp
Vettbergets ancient castle - Gnarp
Vettbergets ancient castle - Gnarp
Vettbergets ancient castle - Gnarp
Vettbergets ancient castle - Gnarp
To do Sights

Vettbergets ancient castle - Gnarp

på Sörfjärden
Welcome to visit this ancient castle located on Vettberget in Gnarp.

Mountain with a well-preserved ancient castle. In a cave-shaped crevasse in the rock there is a very old petroglyph in the form of a foot sole.

Fine old pine trees, view of the Bothnian Sea and the nearby Lunnsjön. Fine sandy beach in Lunnsjön which is suitable for swimming.

Ancient castle, 90x75 m each (E-W). Bounded by a main wall to the east as well as some smaller barrier walls located in smaller mountain gorges.

Main wall to the east, approx. 65 m long (N-S), approx. 3 m wide (narrows at the ends), and approx. 1.5 m high. Slopes inwards. Consisting of shards and lump stones 0.2-1 m each, some of the bottom stones are approx. 1.4 m each. In the N part of the wall there is a rock ledge, approx. 3 m long.

Retaining wall in gap in N, with entrance, approx. 20 m l (NW-SÖ), 1.5-3 m wide and approx. 1.5 m high of 0.2-0.6 m stones. The entrance is 2 m and located 3.5 m from the SE edge of the wall. 15 m SE if this is erected by another retaining wall approx. 3 m long, 0.8 m wide and 0.3 m high, of 0.2-0.3 m stones. Retaining wall in gap in SSV, 9 m long, 1.25 m wide and approx. 0.5 m high of 0.5-1 m st, overgrown stones. The wall is partially demolished. Another retaining wall in a narrow gap in V 2 m l (N-S), 1 m wide and 0.2-0.3 m h of 0.2-0.4 m stones. The wall is demolished. In the NE part of the castle is a 3 m wide rock heel, now without brick remains. The castle area is almost flat, slopes slightly to the W. Overgrown with occasional pines.

About 20 m E of the castle is a cave, 12 m long, 0.7-1.8 m wide and 3-6 m high, which was formed by falling blocks being laid as a roof in the upper part of a fault crack. Entrance in the N. The cave narrows to the S. In the middle an opening upwards. On the E wall in the N part near the entrance, 1.25 m above ground level, there is a petroglyph-like formation, roughly shaped like a fabula, 0.33 m long and 6.1 m wide. Bounded by a groove 2-3 mm wide and 2-3 mm deep. The bottom is insignificantly lower than the stone surface otherwise. Facing S. The surface inside the carving-like. the contour line can be a natural weathering surface.

The N part of the E wall has a lot of charred stone. The slabs around the N part of this wall are also charred, possibly place for nursing care.

Coordinates (N/E)
6879134 / 623374 (SWEREF 99 TM)

Coordinates (x/y)
6879986 / 1581288 (RT-90 2.5 gon V)

Coordinates (lat/long)
N 62° 1' 27.61", E 17° 21' 27.86" (WGS84)

Crest of boulder-bound mountain ridge (WNW-ESE), on the slopes large and rich blocky coniferous forest.


  • Close to nature
  • Non smoking
  • Close to lake
  • Forest area
  • Kostnadsfritt


  • Close to nature
  • Non smoking
  • Close to lake
  • Forest area
  • Kostnadsfritt