To do Nature and Outdoors Outdoor activities


på Mellanfjärden
Beautiful natural area on the coast in the Middle Fjärden.

Tjuvön is a peninsula in the sea, east of Mellanfjärden. About 1,000 years ago, it was an island with a strait to the mainland, which was then just southeast of the current Coastal Road. The land uplift has eliminated the strait, but it can still be seen in the form of a moisture strip, which is here. There are two theories about the name Tjuvön:

1. The first is that Tjuvön was in the way of the boats' sail winds when they passed on the sea outside the Middle Fjärden. It simply stole the wind from the sails and would therefore have been named Tjuvön

2. The second theory is a bit more dramatic. It is claimed that a long time ago, when theft was punished much more severely than today, i.e. with the death penalty, the thieves were hung from the trees in full view on the edge of the island so that they would act as a deterrent to potential thieves/sailors passing by. It can be anything with the name. But Tjuvön is a gem in Nordanstig's nature.

Text: Sven Norman


  • Pets allowed
  • Close to nature
  • Forest area
  • Beach
  • Kostnadsfritt


  • Pets allowed
  • Close to nature
  • Forest area
  • Beach
  • Kostnadsfritt